[Amps] Arc distance and plasma

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Fri Jul 28 23:20:37 EDT 2006

> On 7/28/06 at 4:34 PM Steven Cook wrote:
>>The 3-500Z's in my TL-922 both exhibit a purple "plasma" 
>>above the top of
>>the plate inside the glass envelope.
>>Is this due to gas inside the tube.  Will it eventually 
>>getter out?  Does
>>the presence of this gas have a deleterious effect on the 
>>tube life

> Keep in mind that there's a difference in the gas ionized 
> you see as a purple glow and that of an arc.

What Steve described is virtually always phospherense in the 
glass, not gas.
It isn't the least bit harmful.

73 Tom

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