[Amps] Tube Prices

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Sun Jul 30 12:49:09 EDT 2006

> in. We should blame ourselves for not wanting to pay the 
> high prices for better quality north american or European 
> brands of tubes which were available all along.

Actually a good bit of the blame falls on Richardson's 
Electronics and their policy of absorbing all the small 
manufacturers and dealers, and the poor decision by Eimac to 
allow a outright competitor to be the sole distributor of 
Eimac tubes.

The Justice Department should have stopped all the buy-ups 
before they ruined the tube market prematurely. Eimac should 
have kept some independent distributors.

China would have come along anyway, Richardson's just sped 
the process up by inflating prices.

73 Tom 

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