[Amps] Moderation

Gene Bigham jbigham2 at kc.rr.com
Sun Jun 4 08:50:49 EDT 2006

Ok, I for one am glad there is moderation on this forum, so get over it 
This list is a forum (TX) that is provided at someone's expense (power from 
the mains) for the good (amplification) of the community of amplifier 
builders and maintainers.  Thank you (TNX) to whoever is paying this 
expense!  Such a forum requires intervention (grid control) as we humans 
seem to want to get into hissing contests (parasitic oscillations).  Unless 
you are forking out the cash (drive) to provide this service, then enjoy the 
forum and abide by the moderation of those paying the bill or quietly 
unsubscribe (pull the plug) and go someplace else (QSY).   Most of us are 
not interested in your personal grievance (qrn).  That is not what we 
subscribed (tuned in) for.
The moderator provides just that.  Wonder why the name was chosen?  If you 
cannot abide by the authority (bias control) of the moderator, take your 
leave and go somewhere else instead of giving flak (parasitic), as I do not 
appreciate a parasite.
I am not interested in your resource sucking sanctimonious personal 
parasitic puke.
Thank you moderator!  Keep up the good job!
Now where do I send my contribution to keep a resource like this going?  Put 
up or shut up.

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