[Amps] Moderation

R L Measures r at somis.org
Sun Jun 4 09:46:50 EDT 2006

amen, Terry

On Jun 4, 2006, at 6:28 AM, W6RU at aol.com wrote:

> Thank God for the "delete" key. I suggest more people find it and  
> use it  !
> W6RU
> In a message dated 6/4/2006 5:51:22 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> jbigham2 at kc.rr.com writes:
> Ok, I  for one am glad there is moderation on this forum, so get  
> over it
> (qsy)!
> This list is a forum (TX) that is provided at someone's expense   
> (power from
> the mains) for the good (amplification) of the community of  amplifier
> builders and maintainers.  Thank you (TNX) to whoever is  paying this
> expense!  Such a forum requires intervention (grid  control) as we  
> humans
> seem to want to get into hissing contests (parasitic   
> oscillations).  Unless
> you are forking out the cash (drive) to  provide this service, then  
> enjoy the
> forum and abide by the moderation of  those paying the bill or quietly
> unsubscribe (pull the plug) and go  someplace else (QSY).   Most of  
> us are
> not interested in your  personal grievance (qrn).  That is not what we
> subscribed (tuned in)  for.
> The moderator provides just that.  Wonder why the name was   
> chosen?  If you
> cannot abide by the authority (bias control) of the  moderator,  
> take your
> leave and go somewhere else instead of giving flak  (parasitic), as  
> I do not
> appreciate a parasite.
> I am not interested in  your resource sucking sanctimonious personal
> parasitic  puke.
> Thank you moderator!  Keep up the good job!
> Now  where do I send my contribution to keep a resource like this  
> going?  Put
> up or shut up.
> Gene
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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