[Amps] henry conversion

tim jenkins jenkins at bellsouth.net
Tue Jun 6 11:03:55 EDT 2006

well starting the henry conversion this week, thought i would put 4k on the plate but have seen that some say stay below 4k with the 35b , the last one i did with same tube was 3.6k on plate . also going to or want to seperate the rf deck and pwr sply, i ve never done one seperated but first time for everything, well almost everything anyway. thought about doing a cw and ssb voltage switch something like the 220 does, although ill never use cw anyway but whoever winds up with it might, just something else to add i guess. seems like its been kinda blaza here latley and hope i didnt missspell any words ,hihi, u guys are alright . not posted anything latley, just reading all the stuff as it comes in mostly in am . 73 for now kv4bk@ amps4u in tn.

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