[Amps] buying MRF-150's

Dan Levin djl at andlev.com
Tue Jun 6 22:33:36 EDT 2006

Well, I'm wouldn't say that RF Parts is as good a place as any if you care
about price, and I don't know if they really match parts or just match lot
numbers like CCI does.

Richardson Electronics (www.rell.com) is cheaper than RF Parts, maintains
stock, and has "real" (i.e. they will actually measure stuff in a lab, not
just match up lot numbers) matching capability.  They also carry very nifty
high wattage resistors for those attenuator and terminator needs.

RFMW (www.rfmw.com) is cheaper than Richardson, and also has real matching
capability.  They likely have a pair in stock, but don't seem to keep as
much inventory as RELL does (RELL buys something like 25,000 at a time).

                          ***dan, K6IF

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