[Amps] Off Subject Urgent Need for DC Battery Booster.

Michael Baker k7ddmjb at qwest.net
Thu Jun 15 02:26:56 EDT 2006

Hi Gang,
	I know this is a bit off subject but I have an urgent need for a
Battery Booster.  This device boosts a DC input from about 10V to 13.8 and
maintains the output at that higher voltage from 10 to 13.8 volts input.
The one I am familiar with is made by a fellow in AZ at the following web
address but I don't think he can get me one BEFORE field day.  


I am open to a used one either 23 amps or 30 amp rating.  
	Let me know what you might have and what you want for it.  Speed is
the issue as time is short.
	Thanks in advance for your collective help. 

Michael Baker  K7DD
k7ddmjb at qwest.net

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