[Amps] RM ITALY HLA-150V

Dennis Drakopoulos sv1cdn at hol.gr
Wed Jun 28 13:28:08 EDT 2006

Thank you all for replying to my email!
>From what I have discovered so far on the internet and getting in touch with
HLA series RM ITALY amplifiers users plus the manufacturer in Italy, the
HLA150 and HLA-300 amplifiers are more or less designed for amateur radio
users, us. They got low pass filters for each ham band, selected either
manually or by the use of a microcontroller. They are class AB and from what
I heard they provide "clean" output signal. They can also be keyed by an
external PTT line from the rig. What I couldn't find out is IMD
measurements, any body knows about that? As for rated output, one ham had a
web site up with measurements. He managed to get 230W out of a HLA-150V (V
for extra fans on top) with 14.5W driving power at SSB.
Dennis Drakopoulos

73 de SV1CDN

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