[Amps] Fw: No Success

HAROLD B MANDEL ka1xo at juno.com
Wed Mar 1 07:29:52 EST 2006

Hello, Ampers,

Here is the message sent to IRSD.

Yes, Carol, all of you warned me!

Thanks to Jim, KR1S for going there!

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HAROLD B MANDEL <KA1XO at juno.com>
To: Intlradio at juno.com
Dear Mr. Thomas,

Yesterday, after not being able to get any response
from International Radio Service Division from 
13 February through yesterday, 28 February,
one of the members of the reflector net volunteered to
travel to your home and see if the address was valid,
if it was a business and if the building seemed occupied.

The reason for this is that my radio is said to arrive, 
but U.P.S. failed to get a signature for it's delivery, 
saying in their delivery report that it was 
just left on a doorstep.

My friend found no one at your address, and left a note
on the door, asking you to please contact me.

Yesterday, the one day your answering machine stated
calls would be fielded, your number was dialed
repeatedly from 1415 through 1710, only to be
presented with a busy signal. With the auto-redial
feature utilized, I believe over fifty attempts were

Other than yesterday's e-mail from you, I have no
actual confirmation that there is someone at your
address, nor have I any verification my radio is
actually there. 

To this end, I have contacted the U.P.S. Store
here in Greenville in preparation for filing a 
Loss Claim.

Would you please let me know the status
of your business and of my radio if it actually


Harold Mandel

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