[Amps] Looking for 813 amp parts, was: HB Amps

Larry Keith kq4by at rocketmail.com
Fri Mar 3 13:52:53 EST 2006


> Chris Howard wrote:
> > I would be sad to blow some 813's  (or 4cx250s)
> but I'm
> > scared witless when confronted with an 8877.

I concur... That is one of the reasons that I am
chasing pieces/parts for a 2 x 813 amp..

And, I like the rack cabinet/crinkle finish/vintage
meters/Millen knobs look..  Nothing says "radio" like
a  rack cabinet and a couple of firebottles!

So, I have the tubes and a couple of spares, sockets,
plate caps, HV transformer, variable caps, plate
choke, filament choke, large ceramic switch, assorted
HV mica caps and some other assorted parts. Not sure
that my meters are vintage.. I build my own coils so
that isn't an issue.

So, along that line, I am looking for:

1. An 813 filament xfmr -- 10 volts @ 10 amps.

2. A 30" high rack cabinet -- black crinkle finish and
rollers are preferred but I will listen..

3. One, maybe two 13 x 17 x 3 (or 4) aluminum

4. Two rack panels, about 14" high.  Again, black
crinkle would be nice but I will take what I can get.

I am sure that I will be looking for some other stuff,
later but that will do for now..

In the spirit of 813 amps, as previously described,
cheap is good -- close to middle GA is even better!

Whatcha got?



Larry Keith 
231 Shenandoah Trail 
Warner Robins, GA 31088-6289 
kq4by at rocketmail.com 
478-329-0030 (home)

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