[Amps] confused reading amidon ferrite specs?
R at contesting.com
R at contesting.com
Tue Mar 7 11:56:08 EST 2006
On Mar 7, 2006, at 8:16 AM, Will Matney wrote:
> Dan,
> For 2-30 MHz, the guy a Palomar Engineers said to use 61 in place of
> 43.
On an oscilloscope, using 100w of RF, I observed that mix #61 begins to
distort the waveform at c. 13MHz. Those who don't desire to generate
harmonics should probably follow the manufacturer's specs and not
operate 61 above 10MHz.
> Their literature says to look at the frequency spec of each
> transformer (which is for narrow band types), and for broadband types,
> the upper frequency can be multiplied by X10 if I recall. The lower
> frequency though needs to be kept was the way I read it. Palomar buys
> direct from Amidon also. In designing the transformers, an inductive
> reactance of at least 200 ohms should be met, and make sure the flux
> density is below the knee on it's BH curve which is the linear region.
> Maximum Permeability is reached just above the start of the knee on
> the curve from the bottom.
> Best,
> Will
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
> On 3/7/06 at 7:24 AM Dan Sawyer wrote:
>> I have to say I am very confused reading Amidon ferrite core specs.
>> http://www.amidoncorp.com/aai_ferritecores.htm
>> As an example in the paragraph description material 61 and 67 cores
>> are
>> good for transformers up to 200 MHz while in the spec sheet the
>> transformer claim is 500 MHz and 1000 MHz respectively.
>> I am interested in building a solid state 1200 watt power amp for 160
>> through 6 meters. What are the materials suitable for the input and
>> output transformers in that range?
>> Thanks - Dan - kb0qil
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