[Amps] Pin Diodes

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Wed Mar 8 12:11:20 EST 2006

Somebody wrote (sorry, the direct message didn't arrive here):
>> Do you have a schematic for such an "accelerator" circuit or can you
>> point me at one in the published literature?

>Paul, W9AC

There is also a circuit originated by K1KP, and publicized by K6XX, 
which does not need a high voltage rail. It works directly from the 
relay's existing supply rail.

This whole thing is a race against time to avoid hot-switching, so it's 
vital not to waste valuable milliseconds using a relay-driven PTT output 
from the transceiver. It's got to be the fast solid-state output.

The version of the K1KP/K6XX on my website includes a low-voltage 
interface that will work with even the wimpiest solid-state output.

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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