[Amps] Oscilloscopes

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sat Mar 11 01:22:03 EST 2006


Same here. I repaired a few tube sets in the tail end of them around 1980 while a few was still left, and know the sets your talking about. I never did change one out of a TV, nor even test one. The only ones I have tested and changed was in the old Browning Labs Eagle CB radios. They used two in them, I forget for what, most likely the receiver portion. Those two was all I remember ever changing. There still available at some larger tube dealers, and if I recall there wasn't too many different ones of these made. Now those little glass tuner tubes, I changed out several of them. Those were the minature 7 & 9 pins, etc. A bad tuner was a quick check if you had a tuner suber (still have mine). Just unplug the coax from the IF strip, and plug the suber in. If you had a picture after, the tuner was bad, or power supply feeding it. I actually had two, and loaned one to customers so they could watch their TV while I ordered a rebuilt tuner. Just set it on top of their set so they could change the channels. Used to get rebuilt tuners from Gem City Tuner Service here in Ohio. Turn the old tuner in as a dud for credit like a picture tube or a module. Those were the good old days and before throw-away TV sets.

I went and looked at a Tek 454 on ebay, and it does have the calibration jack on the side the same as the 453. They look identical almost. One other slight drawback is the CRT size which is about 3" x 4" I would guess.



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On 3/10/06 at 9:56 PM Bill Turner wrote:

>At 09:27 PM 3/10/2006, Will Matney wrote:
>>I have a 453 here that worls like a champ to this day. Setup the 
>>same with 6 nuvistors. Those were some pretty darn tough old scopes 
>>if they had been taken decent care of.
>The nuvistor was an amazing tube too. RCA used them in TV tuners for 
>years and I only recall ever having to replace one. Quite impressive.
>73, Bill W6WRT
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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