[Amps] Scope book

HAROLD B MANDEL ka1xo at juno.com
Tue Mar 14 07:22:14 EST 2006

Is the book you mention a soft-cover edition with a grey paper
cover and blue printing on the outside?

I seem to remember seeing this book in my library, but it and
the library are 300 miles away at present.

If I remember correctly, IBM issued this book to 
CE's when they qualified on the Tektronix scopes we
used for looking at gate pulses.

We started out with 565A's, which were real boat anchors
to shlep to customer locations along with tools and 

We then went to Tek 465A's, and the IBM editions had
metal screens over the CRT's. These instruments had
bags for the probes and manuals on top and an engraved
"Property of IBM" right below the camera bezel.


~~~~~~R E P L Y    S E P A R A T O R ~~~~~~~~~

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 17:47:13 -0800 Bill Turner <dezrat at copper.net>
> At 01:59 PM 3/13/2006, Will Matney wrote:
> >All,
> >
> >Some on here were wondering about operating a scope correctly and 
> >what everything does. I dug out an old book I've had since I first 
> >started in this that I got from a cousin back in 1980. The books 
> >title is "Oscilloscope Handbook", and was written by Clyde Herrick, 
> >copyright 1974 by Reston Publishing. The ISBN number is; 
> >0-87909-597-0. It talks about every aspect of the way a scope works 
> >from the CRT, each circuit section, and how to use it. There is a 
> >good chapter called "Signal tracing and troubleshooting 
> >proceedures", that will be of interest. It goes on with TV 
> >troubleshooting in the next chapter, then scope maintenance.

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