[Amps] Drake L7 - plate meter not working

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Tue Mar 14 11:40:23 EST 2006


At 06:40 AM 3/14/2006, Marc Wullaert wrote:

>I checked a friends DRAKE L7 apmlifier.The plate amperes meter
>is not working.Whe don't have a schematic  direct.
>the amplifier is working ok  and give full output with good grid millis.
>if a tap on the amplifier the meter is sligtly moving so probely the meter
>is ok .
>Anyone know where to start looking.
>marc on4ma

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

First, disconnect the meter from the amp and measure its internal 
resistance with an ohm meter. It will probably show either an open 
circuit (meter is bad) or some value of resistance (meter is good).

If it does show some value of resistance, trace the wires back to 
their source, looking for an open multiplier resistor or bad solder joint, etc.

If nothing is found at this point you will probably have to get a 
schematic to go further.

Bill, W6WRT

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