R at contesting.com R at contesting.com
Wed Mar 15 15:45:11 EST 2006

On Mar 15, 2006, at 9:58 AM, Rex Lint wrote:

> I'm looking for a set of ideas about how to construct (or buy!) 
> chassis for
> amps and power supplies.  I bought an amp that has the power supply 
> built
> into a plywood box, and I'm moved to change that!

Eeeuwww, Rex.   How totally embareASSing!

> I don't see any big,
> heavy chassis advertised.  Where do you get yours? I'm cheap, just 
> like you.

For cheapo guys like me like me, who could not care less about 
impressing visitors, screwed and glued douglas-fir plywood makes pretty 
good $ense.
> Rex - K1HI
> Rex Lint, Consultant
> PH:    603-860-7651
> FAX: 603-882-6612
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