[Amps] I gotta tell this

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Fri Mar 24 18:27:51 EST 2006


My ex tried to loose mine too, and had to hide it where she couldn't readily find it. A lot of the time, I kept it in my truck. This one finally needs to be retired though, it done its duty.



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On 3/24/06 at 6:22 PM Perry W. Remaklus wrote:

>What with inflation and all this might not be a bad price. I wore mine
>from 1961 through 1979 when (I think) my wife "lost" it. Since it was
>issue it was "free" to me. Mine was Marine issue.
>Perry W1COW
>-----Original Message-----
>From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]
>On Behalf Of Will Matney
>Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 6:13 PM
>To: amps at contesting.com
>Subject: [Amps] I gotta tell this
>This is way off topic, but I have to tell it. I was in the market for a
>new Army jacket, a M-65 to be honest, and an olive drab one as I hate
>camo. Some on here will know the one I'm talking about. I had to finally
>retire my old one that I've had since I was about 17 because of the
>holes in the inside. To me, these were one of the most comfortable and
>warm jackets there was. Back in the early 80's you could pick a used
>surplus jacket up at any Army&Navy for about $5-$10. The insulated liner
>also for about $5-$10. I got to looking for one on ebay and about fell
>out of the chair when I seen the prices on them. The camos are cheap,
>but the olive drab was rediculous. Some surplus as high as $75 for a new
>one. Even worse, I seen Abercrombie and Fitch had made a copy, and even
>made it look warn. These were selling from $75 wholesale to $200 retail!
>Evidently, these must be in style now big time? I just absolutely can't
>believe these prices for used or even new surplus field jackets
> ! All I can figure is it's the younger generation driving up the prices
>to be in style? Back in my day, we were considered a slouch for wearing
>Just don't know these days,
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com

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