[Amps] I gotta tell this

m.ford k1ern at direcway.com
Fri Mar 24 20:31:19 EST 2006

Well that figures. I recently gave my teenage nephew my last set of
"slant pockets" from Nam. Shirt and trousers. OD.

No, this is not way off topic. The clothing was perfect for working on uhf
troposcattter amplifiers under difficult living conditions. You could stuff a
whole klystron in them pockets.

Mike  k1ern

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at verizon.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 6:13 PM
Subject: [Amps] I gotta tell this

> All,
> This is way off topic, but I have to tell it. I was in the market for a new Army jacket, a M-65 to be honest, and an 
> olive drab one as I hate camo. Some on here will know the one I'm talking about. I had to finally retire my old one 
> that I've had since I was about 17 because of the holes in the inside. To me, these were one of the most comfortable 
> and warm jackets there was. Back in the early 80's you could pick a used surplus jacket up at any Army&Navy for about 
> $5-$10. The insulated liner also for about $5-$10. I got to looking for one on ebay and about fell out of the chair 
> when I seen the prices on them. The camos are cheap, but the olive drab was rediculous. Some surplus as high as $75 
> for a new one. Even worse, I seen Abercrombie and Fitch had made a copy, and even made it look warn. These were 
> selling from $75 wholesale to $200 retail! Evidently, these must be in style now big time? I just absolutely can't 
> believe these prices for used or even new surplus field jackets
> ! All I can figure is it's the younger generation driving up the prices to be in style? Back in my day, we were 
> considered a slouch for wearing them!
> Just don't know these days,
> Best

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