[Amps] political correctness

John T. M. Lyles jtml at lanl.gov
Wed Mar 29 11:58:26 EST 2006

To Will M.:
I value your practical experience making transformers, and working on 
old "linears" and televisions and what not. I don't pay attention to 
what your dialect is, nor how you look or dress. Neither to I get 
offended for talking on the air to a ham who is more 'southern' than 
I am, in lingo, whether they have tobacco juice stains on their 
sleeve, whatever Its sad that people can be verbally assaulted for 
their core values. Seems to be going around in America these days, 
unfortunately. Hang in there, keep this forum technical.

By the way, I plan to be in SC tomorrow afternoon for a visit with 
the folks. I 'spect to find my own talk slowing down as my drawl 
comes back. I hide it on the internet though.


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