[Amps] 813'

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Fri Mar 31 19:46:24 EST 2006


I was thinking about building one using four 813's. They're being made new in China and are not expensive. I think the same company is making sockets also. The company name is Shuguang who make the Sino and Penta Lab tubes. For the price they are, a man could stock up on spares and not hurt the wallet that much. Another thought would be to try and scrounge up some NOS US made tubes.





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On 3/31/06 at 5:33 PM carl s. wrote:

>Are there any "oldtimers" who remember the good old "813 " ??
>   I have one who has helped very much, but I'd like to hear from any and
>all who know anything (at all) about this tube.!!
>   all help would be appreciated !!!
>    Carl / kz5ca
>    thanks to all !!!!!!
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