[Amps] Need some help on a project

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Sun May 7 19:47:37 EDT 2006


Believe it or not, I had way more help from here. I tried several places like leapsecond.com, etc and never heard back. I found the accuracy of these to be as good as or better than a cesium standard, especially over the long term since they're calibrated constantly. If the satallites gets off one hair the Naval observatory corrects it with the 60 cesium clocks, maser clocks, etc that they have running. The labeled accuracy of the Motorola GPS standard I bought was 5 ppb or;

5 ppb = 5/1,000,000,000 = 0.000000005 = 0.0000005% accuracy

Thanks to all who replied, it was a big help.



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On 5/7/06 at 4:38 PM Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

>Will Matney wrote:
>> All,
>> This is off topic so please respond off the list. I am getting in a GPS
>Time Frequency Reference (GPS 5 MHz Frequency Standard) built by Motorola
>this month for my shop. I have a few questions about installing it, and
>would like some help and or comments. I'll explain more by e-mail in what
>I'm needing installation wise. Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Will
>I've had trouble emailing you before - your ISP does not like mine.
>The place to ask for this sort of thing is the time-nuts mailing list
>There are some real experts on timing there. Many of the contributors 
>have one or more cesium clocks.

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