[Amps] Need some help on a project

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Mon May 8 20:16:05 EDT 2006

Will Matney wrote:
> David,
> Believe it or not, I had way more help from here. 

But the difference is, generally the people here will not know anywhere 
near as much as those on time-nuts.

I did not see your post - did it appear? I've doubt checked and don't 
see any with your name/email.

If the post did not appear, then there is not much chance of getting any 

> I tried several places like leapsecond.com, etc and never heard back. 

See comment above.

I'm very surprised you did not hear if it appeared at all. You might 
well find others (like me) are having their mail blocked by your ISP. 
But I don't think it got to time-nuts, which really is the place to ask 
for advice. You might well find someone has a manual too.

> I found the accuracy of these to be as good as or better than a cesium standard, especially over the long term since they're calibrated constantly. If the satallites gets off one hair the Naval observatory corrects it with the 60 cesium clocks, maser clocks, etc that they have running. The labeled accuracy of the Motorola GPS standard I bought was 5 ppb or;

I'd certainly persist with time-nuts.

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