[Amps] Homebrewers info

Will Matney craxd1 at verizon.net
Tue May 9 10:57:51 EDT 2006


I recently received a catalog from Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co. and wanted to let you all know what they had to use for homebrewing amp projects. They carry aluminum sheet, angle, steel, plastics rod / sheet, micarda, special screws / nuts, rivet nuts, rivet nut tooling, pop rivets, tooling for them, paints, chemicals (like MEK), etc, etc.. Not bad prices either! You can order their catalog which is about 2 inches thick. They have stores in Ga, and in CA. Some stuff can be seen at their website. They have those clip type tinnerman nuts there if you don't want to use rivet nuts. Heathkit used these a lot.

Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Co.;




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