[Amps] ETO Commercial amplifier

charlie carroll k1xx at CFL.RR.COM
Sun May 14 21:47:32 EDT 2006

I'm looking for someone that has some direct experience with a rack 
mounted ETO amplifier that appears to use 3CX800s or maybe 3CPX800s.  At 
this point, all I have is a few pictures.

There is a nomenclature on the front panel that looks like PG-1D5 RF 
Generator.  From the pictures, the tune and load capacitors look very 
similar to the caps in my Alpha 76A.  The L in the plate network is 
about 2 turns, roughly 2 inches in diameter and 2 inches long.  I'm 
speculating this is a 27MHz unit.

If there's anyone that can shed any right light on this thing, please 
drop me a note.

73 charlie, k1xx/4

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