[Amps] Henry 8K

bob finger finger at goeaston.net
Wed May 17 11:08:15 EDT 2006

A ten element yagi for 160 at 1 wave high  is quite a challenge.  A four 
square, or as a few have done, a 9 square vertical is a much better 
antenna for 160 than most any yagi one could put up.  Compare that  to 
most of us with inverted L's or shunt fed towers over less than perfect 
ground. We are pipsqueaks most of the time compared to these monsters.  
It is a good thing that propagation does not ALWAYS favor the big gun.  
Life just is not fair!  73 bob de w9ge

Bill Turner wrote:

>At 04:30 AM 5/17/2006, R L Measures wrote:
>>Is it easier to put up a 10-element Yagi-Uda beam for 160m or to
>>build a 20db amplifier?
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>100 W + 20 dB = 10 kW
>When calculating which is "easier", should one include possible fines 
>and jail time? :-)
>Bill, W6WRT

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