[Amps] How intermod limits your PEP

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Wed May 17 21:29:10 EDT 2006

Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

Sorry, I made a few errors. Here are some corrections.

> V4 = B Sin( 2 Pu f4 t + phi4)

That should have been Pi, not Pu.

> Define the IMD (in dB) as
> 10 Log_base_10(P1/P3)
> Since P is proportional to V^2, it follows that
> IMD = 10 log_base_10(V1^2 / V1^2)

That should have been

IMD = 10 log_base_10(V1^2 / V3^2)

> = 20 log_base 10(V1/V2)

Oops, another mess up, that should have been

20 log_base 10(V1/V3)

> The PEP, which is the average power at the peak of the waveform occurs 
> when the 4 voltages V1, V2, V3 and V4 are all in phase.
> The PEP is (2A + 2B)^2 / 2 R.

Perhaps I should have written that as (2A + 2B)^2 / (2 R), to avoid any 

> for anyone interested, but basically I solve for the voltages A and B, 
> subject to these two equations
> PEP == (2 A + 2 B)^2 / (2 R)
> IMD == 20 Log[10, A/B]

I've not no negative sign. Whether you call the IM product 20 dB or -20 
dB is more a matter of convention than anything else. I have not really 
used the convention, but the maths is right (I think).

> Let Mathematica crunch it.
> sparrow /export/home/drkirkby % math
> Mathematica 5.2 for Sun Solaris (UltraSPARC)
> Copyright 1988-2005 Wolfram Research, Inc.
>   -- Motif graphics initialized --

BTW, that is over $3000 on my Sun, and $1880 on a Windows or Linux PC, 
so is not cheap, but as I said, you can get a 14-day demo.

> In[1]:=  Solve[{PEP == (2 A + 2 B)^2 / (2 R), IMD == 20 Log[10, A/B]},{A,B}]

> Lets compute the power in these two signals.
> P1=P3=158.112%2/ (50 * 2) = 249.994 W

Ooops, that should be P1=P2=249.994W.
P3 and P4 are vitually zero.

Dr. David Kirkby BSc MSc PhD CEng MIEE
Chartered Engineer

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