[Amps] Alpha 91b fan/blower motor

KR4DA kr4da at bellsouth.net
Thu May 18 21:25:31 EDT 2006

Alpha seems to have a supply issue with this motor.
I have ordered this motor over a month ago.
Two weeks ago they were working on getting them.
Today I called and a women answeared the call.
I have her name.....
Trying to stress my dispare and only wanting a RPM number
for the motor she got huffy and told me she wasn't discussing it
anymore with me and to email the company...
WOW must of been that time. But having delt with ALPHA before
and know they are better then that, I called back and
I talked to a very nice person Anthony...who has helped me before.
BUT there is no information they can give me on WHEN
they will get the motors in.
They recieve bad poor service just like we do from there
He did tell me he thinks the RPM is like 3000 rpm.

The motor currently in MY 91B is labeled as:
BOMAX type b-jc 50/60hz .64amp 301-6623.
Bomax seems to be out of business.
But web page is up but no refernce to this number.

Anyone have suggestion for replacement???
OH the windings are OPEN looking into the coil.
SO I hope this means it is bad...
tried hooking it direct to 120v and it no turn.
It is out of the amp and on the bench.

I do not know how critical it is but there are on the web at emotorstore
c frame open motors CLOSE to the same specs.

Plate thickness 16.6cm
shaft deminison  .186 x 2in
115v .64a CW  rpm 3000
has this part do you think I would it be ok to USE IT???

I don't blame anyone but really think a person derserves better
communication from ALPHA on getting this fan.
This AMP cost me $2,748 in April 1997 that was alot of money to me.
And now cannot use it for HOW LONG???? until I get a motor.

Frustrated   Bob KR4DA

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