[Amps] who needs it? Henry 8K

Harold Mandel ka1xo at juno.com
Fri May 19 06:36:08 EDT 2006

Dear Fern,

It started out just like the Cold War: 

He and she began building bigger bombs.

O.K., let's all throw our amplifiers in the dumpster and
go back to 100 watts output. 

So the guy living in an apartment somewhere has a whip on his balcony
and complies with the new power setting.

Then the guy living on his own private island sets up his
100 watt rig with a 500 foot tower and stacked beams
with a counterpoise in 360 degrees under salt water.

Then Radio Moscow fires up its 1.2MW AM station
in six places on the 40 meter band.

The guy in the apartment just sells his rig and
embraces another hobby then.

The collapse of the Soviet Union proved the theory
that the centralized form of government doesn't work,
and many people the world over believe that less
regulation spurs greater individual development.

At the end, here, it's still a money game, Fern. 
There is no one watching. No one really wants
anyone watching. The one thing that doesn't go away
is our call letters. If I hear someone with call letters
ABCD1 behaving like an ass I really don't want to 
have anything to do with a QSO with that station.
However, if someone is behaving like a gentleman
even with a 30+ over S9 ground wave from 1,000
miles away I'm interested in pursuing a contact.

Lastly, the most uninteresting QSO's are where
people inventory their station. Everyone does
the best they can, and when the topic of discussion
can encompass pertinent topics of interest, that's
where Amateur Radio really becomes interesting.

Then there's contesting, but that has its own form.......


Hal Mandel

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