[Amps] who needs it? Henry 8K

Peter Voelpel df3kv at t-online.de
Fri May 19 11:06:08 EDT 2006

A signal usually is not getting wider by amplification, neither by amplifier
nor by antenna gain
You probably can not move closer then 5KHz closer to you neighbours
frequency while he is running 5W 100m away from you.
But don´t tell him he is running excessive power or consuming too much band
with ,-)).

The inter modulation on typical transceivers usually is not better then
-30db down and sideband filters have no shape factor of 1.
How behaves the receiver with big signals, especially those with all
selectivity in the dsp only and no bandpass filters for the ham bands?


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Keith Dutson

IMO the real problem with excessive power is during contests where a really
big signal covers about 5KC.  No antenna or rig can be selective enough to
deal with a signal like that while trying to operate on a nearby frequency.

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