[Amps] Amps and ROHS

Paul Whatton paul at g4dcv.co.uk
Sun May 21 03:30:05 EDT 2006

Hi Steve

I don't quite follow this about secondhand and vintage equipment?

Will it be illegal for example for a UK business to sell me a piece of 
secondhand or vintage equipment that is not RoHS compliant? And would 
this apply to private sales/purchases too? So, can an amateur radio 
retailer sell second-hand non-compliant equipment at-all after July?

I'm thinking also about my other hobby which is vintage HiFi. There is a 
big international market in this area and gear is bought and sold 
worldwide both by private individuals and by dealers.


Paul G4DCV

Steve Thompson wrote:
> I've used the term 'new' equipment - the wording is all about things 
> (individual items, not product lines) offered for sale for the first 
> time, and applies equally to used and vintage equipment. Personal 
> sales/purchases will be ignored, at least for the time being, but it 
> will be illegal for my business to import a piece of second hand gear 
> from outside the EU if it uses standard solder in the construction.

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