[Amps] RE : who needs it? Henry 8K

W0UN -- John Brosnahan shr at swtexas.net
Tue May 23 15:38:24 EDT 2006

At 11:14 AM 5/23/2006, R L Measures wrote:
>Doug -- When I was occasionally running the Plywood Box 20db
>amplifier on 40m, and I was answering questions about it over the
>air, the FCC received a number of letters about me from
>complainants.  Thanks to an FCC employee who happened to be a Ham who
>guest operated at multi-multi contest stations, I learned that the
>majority of these letters came from owners of contest stations whose
>amplifiers used tubes that had handles.
>- cheerz


This sounds like a cheap shot to me.  I have been contesting since 1959
and have operated at many multi-multi stations as well as some single-op
stations and I have yet to see any CONTEST station with "tubes that had
handles".   Now I cannot speak for California since I have never operated a
contest there, and I do know some USA DXer stations that have big tubes,
but for the life of me, I can't think of a single, serious contester in the USA
that has tubes with handles.

What I do know is that a lot of multi-multi contest station owners are
absolutely adamant about keeping within the 1500 watt limit.

--John  W0UN

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