[Amps] Wattmeters

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Tue May 23 17:45:40 EDT 2006

> "Another is the RadioCraft 3000 Pro which has two 3-1/2" meters pretty 
> easily read. One meter for SWR and the other for power. This one has peak 
> reading / average circuits up to 3 kW, and also has everything automatic. 
> No more turning a switch to set the power level..."

I own a lot of wattmeters and notwithstanding the Bird 43, the RadioCraft 
3000Pro would be a good choice for an analog wattmeter.  I've been using one 
here along side the Bird 43, PowerMaster and Alpha 4510.

On the digital side of things, you may want to consider the ArraySolutions 
PowerMaster and especially the new LP-100 by Larry Phipps.  The LP-100 
design was featured in a recent issue of QEX.  The price is currently around 
$320 in kit form -- about another $100 extra for an assembled unit.


Larry has put a tremendous amount of work into the directional coupler 
design to obtain 40-50 dB of directivity across the HF spectrum.

Paul, W9AC 

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