[Amps] RE : who needs it? Henry 8K

R L Measures r at somis.org
Wed May 24 12:40:20 EDT 2006

On May 24, 2006, at 6:08 AM, W0UN -- John Brosnahan wrote:

> At 06:03 AM 5/24/2006, R L Measures wrote:
>> On May 23, 2006, at 12:38 PM, W0UN -- John Brosnahan wrote:
>>> At 11:14 AM 5/23/2006, R L Measures wrote:
>>>> Doug -- When I was occasionally running the Plywood Box 20db
>>>> amplifier on 40m, and I was answering questions about it over the
>>>> air, the FCC received a number of letters about me from
>>>> complainants.  Thanks to an FCC employee who happened to be a  
>>>> Ham who
>>>> guest operated at multi-multi contest stations, I learned that the
>>>> majority of these letters came from owners of contest stations  
>>>> whose
>>>> amplifiers used tubes that had handles.
>>>> - cheerz
>>> Rich--
>>> This sounds like a cheap shot to me.
>> It happened, John.
> Rich--
> I am not saying it didn't happen.  What I AM saying is that your
> comment makes it sound like contesters running tubes with handles
> is rampant among the contest fraternity.

Not rampant, extant.  Newington is not unaware of this.

> And what I am saying is
> that I have a pretty large, statistically-relevant sample, that  
> contains
> NO contesters running tubes with handles.  And in fact all of the
> BIG stations that I know are extremely diligent about running LEGAL
> power.  To do otherwise would be to totally devalue the effort made
> to be competitive.  It is my contention that winners win because
> they are better operators -- you make it sound like winners cheat.

Some have a remote-controlled big one put of sight in the garage and  
some don't.  Some  rubber-clock and some don't.

> I can't say that no contester has ever cheated -- I don't KNOW that.
> What I do know is that I have seen many stations and they are all

Surely.  And most holy men aren't attracted to the South end of altar- 
boys heading North.

>>> I'm aware of (KC1XX, K1RX, K1TTT, W1KM, VY2ZM, W3LPL, K3LR, etc.)  
>>> run
>>> strictly legal.
>> ... and they never, ever drive faster than 65.00 mph on the  
>> Interstates.
> This is a fallacious argument.

Is it not fallacious to assert that all, or nearly all contesters are  
noble men without sin?

> Apples and oranges.

Granted.   Speeding causes death, running serious suds seldom does.

> opposed to those who might operate an occasional contest) are not in
> it for the money (!) they are in it for the personal satisfaction and
> recognition.

Bingo.   Satisfaction from recognition and attention, one of the  
prime motivators for humanoids. Drive a thirsty 400hp luxury SUV and  
you buy attention and recognition from most folks.   The History  
Channel recently had a segment on John Leonard Orr, the Glendale Fire  
Department's arson investigator who got satisfaction from setting  
fires using one cigarette, 3-matches, and a rubber-band.  The  
motive:  attention and recognition, the things he never got from his  
parents when he was a child.  Orr killed 5. including a 2-yr old boy.

> of their skills.  To cheat would be to devalue their own efforts.

Some people see getting away with something as proof of their skill.   
John Orr was an example.
> And (BTW) the little road that runs past our property has no shoulders
> and the lanes are barely wide enough for an RV trailer -- two oncoming
> trailers tend to drop their outer wheels off the road to clear each  
> other.
> And the speed limit is 70 MPH!


> And what does this have to do with
> contesting?  Absolutely nothing, which is my point.  Driving and  
> contesting
> are not related.

The common denominator is homo sapiens.  As I see it, Forrest Gump  
("shit happens) and Puck ("what fools these mortals be") nailed it down
cheers, John.
> John  W0UN
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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