[Amps] multi-tube amplifiers

GGLL nagato at arnet.com.ar
Fri May 26 22:10:32 EDT 2006

Gary Schafer escribió:

> That is the one Colin! That was my first hand book and I still have it. The
> binding fell apart and my dad later glued it with some cloth to keep it
> somewhat together. I still have it.
> The 4X250 amp article in there ran at reduced power as the cooling was not
> adequate for full power operation.

	I also have that edition (although spanish translated by a local editor). It 
specifies 650 watts input, 1500 V plate voltage, 300 V screen voltage, and -40 
V grid bias. And the input is an inductor in series (to rise the drive at 10 
Mtrs.) with a 110 ohms resistor to ground, then a 470 pF to the grids each via 
a 10 ohm parasitic resistor.
For those days Pi output transceivers.

Best regards
Guillermo - LU8EYW.

> The 4X250 family is ok to run in AB2 unlike the 4CX1000.
> 73
> Gary  K4FMX

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