[Amps] Alpha 91b fan/blower motor
Joe Giacobello
k2xx at swva.net
Sat May 27 13:18:23 EDT 2006
Bill, I recently purchased a blower motor from an Alpha 86. It appears
identical to the motor in my Titan 425. The specs for the Titan blower
and motor are 60 CFM and 3000 rpm. Alpha should be able to tell you if
the the 91 and the 86 use identical blowers and motors. If so, you now
have the specs.
(BTW, I can't believe that Alpha is so unhelpful. The specs on their
blower can't really be considered proprietary information since it's so
easily measured.)
73, Joe
KR4DA wrote:
>The FAN is the original ALPHA ALL I am trying to do is REPLACE the MOTOR
>that TURNS the BLADE. In this case a squirrel fan arrangement blower ....
>The NEW motor shaft fits good, shaft length is good.
>The unavailabality to get this information on a replacemnet motor
>befuddles me... WHY THE BIG SECRET???????????????
>If ALPHA can not PROVIDE/SELL me the MOTOR why hide the SPECS
>so I can replace it. It's like I am the only ONE NEEDING of these motors.
>YET ALPHA is aware of the need as they are trying to get them.
>BUT as of last word the BATCH that came in DOES NOT SUIT there
>quality..... I don't want to be pushy and call and ask for a AMP god...
>all I want is a little common courtsy and customer service help.
>I guess all I can do is buy 3-4 $30 dollar motors and RUN them in the 91b
>and see what happens... ONE AT A TIME.
>QUESTION? If you were to guess WHAT RPM would be the best bet.
>I make the final decsion based on all responces and experiences of
>searching and tests.
>BUT as a NOVICE non engineer type.. just a technician bee..... this all
>I can do
>to try and reslove this problem.
>I think ALPHA isn't going to tell me the excact information.
>If you know someone there I can speak too please tell me.
>Bill Turner wrote:
>>At 06:47 PM 5/23/2006, KR4DA wrote:
>>>I recieved the fan today.
>>>BUT the SPECS on the label say RPM 1100 and HP 1/500
>>>The web page says RPM 3000 and HP 1/200
>>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>>RPMs are only part of the issue. The geometry of the fan is also
>>important, especially the angle of the blades as they cut through the
>>air. Low RPMs should have a high blade angle and vice versa.
>>The best way to ensure correct cooling is to measure the tube
>>temperature directly when running under full load. Use either a
>>non-contact thermometer (my choice) or color-changing paint or crayon.
>>Compare the reading with the tube manufacturer's specs and you'll have
>>your answer without worrying about RPM, pressure difference, etc, etc.
>>Tube temperature is the only thing that matters. All those other
>>measurements are just a way of getting you there.
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