[Amps] Quad Tube 4cx800 hf amp
R L Measures
r at somis.org
Sun May 28 13:03:02 EDT 2006
On May 28, 2006, at 6:16 AM, Jim Kearman wrote:
> From: R L Measures <r at somis.org>
>> Yes. Or, with a tetrode with handles amplifier, one simply turns up
>> the mic. gain until the jammers experience pain.
> I understand that much of this is tongue-in-cheek, but just to add
> a touch of reality.... My experience with jammers, when guest
> operating SSB contests from big-gun stations, is that while 15 kW
> might get _your_ signal through, it doesn't help if you can't hear
> stations calling you.
We used to neutralize this problem by me telephoning the person who
was getting jammed, me listening to him on the telephone, me turning
down my audio gain to zero so as not to hear the sociopaths, him
listening to me either on the air or on the phone, leaving the VOX on
at both ends, and carrying on the conversation as before. With this
arrangement, the jammers disappeared. // The idea for this approach
came from a telephone conversation with the West Coast's most
infamous and most innovative jammer, Jeffery Scott Hillmann, AI6K.
a.k.a. "Julio", a CW contester of notable proficiency, who told me
that not getting attention was the jammer's Achilles' heel. To his
credit, Jeff overcame the maleficent effect of having a realtor-mom,
became a physician and is now practicing in Florida. Congrats "Julio".
> What did work for me was scrolling up in CT and pretending to work
> stations I'd worked earlier, adding comments like, "Thanks, you're
> very loud, too." Nothing breaks the heart of a jammer like thinking
> you don't even know he's there, and not even being able to hear the
> stations you're running. :)
Amen, Jim, but it is easier for me to carry on a real conversation.
> Everytime a vacuum cleaner showed up on my run frequency, this
> tactic got rid of it in a hurry.
The most effective jamming signal is playing a tape recording of the
voice of the person talking. This tidbit was discovered by the
Russkys during the Cold War. They call it mayak-jamming. .
> 73,
> Jim, KR1S
> http://kr1s.kearman.com/
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org
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