[Amps] LK500 various

Jeff Strailey liveccam at yahoo.com
Mon May 29 20:16:04 EDT 2006

  Tnx...I pulled the step start relay off the back panel and finally got a good look at things.  The 120VAC relay was connected to one side of the AC line and ground to provide 120 for the relay in 240 volt mode.  Making this work just took connecting the grounded side of the relay coil to the other 120 volt leg on the input.  Voila amplifer with working step start.  Thanks again for you help last night and again today.
  Jeff K6TLA

k7fm <k7fm at teleport.com> wrote:
  Hi Jeff:

The SB-220 works fine on 120 volts. You might lose 100 watts in full 
output - but I run less than the max on that anyway. The Collins 30L-1 runs 
on 120 volts and no one complains about it.

No one will know the difference.

73, Colin K7FM 

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