[Amps] LK500 various

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Tue May 30 14:57:34 EDT 2006

Tony writes:

> Encouraging anyone to make modifications to their house wiring 
> that will likely violate their local code and inspection 
> requirements still doesn't mean the principle of operation 
> isn't valid or that it can't be understood and applied in a 
> carefully controlled set of circumstances. That is exactly 
> what Rich is saying.

However, encouraging one to make modifications to the wiring 
in his home (owned or rented) that violates code and safety 
regulations is well outside the purpose of this group.  Nobody 
in their right mind would recommend building an amplifier with 
exposed high voltage ... nobody should ever advocate converting 
the neutral wire in home wiring to a line and/or tying neutral 
and ground together at any point other than the entrance panel. 

Modifying the electrical wiring in a home to violate code could 
conceivably void all homeowners insurance and be very costly 
but even worse tying the safety ground and neutral together 
could cost someone's life in the event of a failure.  Is saving 
a few $$ or making a few more watts worth the risk? 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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