[Amps] new power transistor TSPA

John T. M. Lyles jtml at lanl.gov
Wed May 31 11:36:46 EDT 2006

I would like to point out the new Philips LDMOS transistor, BLF369. 
It is the first new LDMOS device to replace the venerable MRF151G 
DMOS (Motorola) design which has been copied, improved, and sold into 
thousands of amplifiers worldwide.

I am waiting to test the new part, rated CW up to 225 MHz, with 500 
watts, off a 32 volt drain supply. Gain is 18 dB up there. Obviously 
this is not going to be your routine HF amplifier part, but for VHF, 
UHF power, it looks very attractive, at $225 in small quantities 
(Digikey). Has anyone here had any experience with this part yet?

We have need for driver stages for our big tube amplifiers at 201 
MHz, and up til now, have used MRF151G -style DMOS amplifiers. We 
bought a sample pallet for 300 watts from one of the Italian makers 
last year, but a big improvement in stage gain and power can be had 
with the new LDMOS part from Philips.

John K5PRO

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