[Amps] twin 4CX-10 000D amplifier: multiple tubes

R L Measures r at somis.org
Wed May 31 12:30:32 EDT 2006

On May 31, 2006, at 8:26 AM, Jan Erik Holm wrote:

> Indeed! This is very very true.
> Needs to be VERY low inductive grounding.
> 73 Jim SM2EKM
> PS: What one also can do is, replace the cheramic spacers
> that sits betwen the grid rings with metal spacers,
> works excelent.

Good solution -- if one has a lathe.

> The unit will measure over 30 dB reverse isolation 30 MHz and up,
> will have a big problem trying to be a oscillator then.
> However a single 8171 is quite enough.

Indeed, Jan.  At this point, going another S-unit will definitely be  
a Bill Gatesian expense, will almost certainly a 20kV supply - and  
that means X-ray shielding.

> ----------------------------------------------------------
> R L Measures wrote:
>> Indeed, Dick.  For an 8171, the problem is typically oscillation at
>> c. 70MHz, so multi-band or single-band makes no difference.  As I see
>> it, grounding the screen collet with 8, Cu straps is something to
>> avoid if one is trying to build a VHF oscillator using the 8171.
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R L MEASURES, AG6K. 805-386-3734
r at somis.org

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