[Amps] DIN Connector

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Wed Nov 1 18:31:45 EST 2006

> Someone told me that folks are using a "DIN" connector for 
> the output of a
> high power amp.  I need some specifics so I can go get 
> one.  I'm looking for
> something that will handle at least 5KW(I like to transmit 
> into the dummy
> load).

Unless you are running 10kW plus on high duty cycle modes or 
you just want to impress people, I'd suggest you just use a 
good quality UHF connector. A good quality UHF connector 
will handle 10kW and never break a sweat.

For larger amps an EIA flange or DIN is OK.

At 5kW I think anything other than a UHF is a waste of time 
and money.

73 Tom 

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