[Amps] Class C amp for RTTY contesting...

Robert Chudek - KØRC k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Nov 2 14:20:50 EST 2006

I enjoy RTTY contesting and would consider building (or converting) and amplifier dedicated to that mode. I read on this reflector a while back that a Class C amplifier could be used with the advantage of higher amplifier efficiency.

I have a few questions about this idea:

What would be needed to convert a "traditional" linear (AL-1200, AL-1500, L-4B, TL-922, etc) to strictly Class C operation?

Is there a specific tube (or tube series) that would be more efficient when run in this class?

What efficiency could be expected?

Does Class C provide more/less gain (drive power) to obtain 1500 Watts output?

TIA for the education!

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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