[Amps] Mega Amplifier?

Steve Thompson g8gsq at eltac.co.uk
Sun Nov 5 02:54:38 EST 2006

David G4FTC wrote:
>> From: "Kinney John-r17512" <J.Kinney at freescale.com>
>> To: <amps at contesting.com>
>> Subject: [Amps] Mega Amplifier?
>> Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 15:55:52 -0700
>> Now this is what I would call an "RF DECK" .
>> This is the number 160047650891 on, you know where.
> I'm wondering if this is a wideband amp (instanteous wideband as opposed to 
> wide tuning range) with the tubes connected to what is effectively a delay 
> line. The photo of the anode compartment seems to show the inductors 
> connected in a daisy chain fashon from anode to anode. The grids would be 
> coupled in a similar manner.

That's right - it's a distributed line amp.
> I know Marconi (the company) made such a wideband amp with a number of 
> 4CX250B's but the power was only rated a 1kW out.

Depending on the application, it's normal to run the valves in class A 
at 50-100W max. each.


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