[Amps] Sticky blower

cherokeehillfarm at earthlink.net cherokeehillfarm at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 9 07:43:15 EST 2006

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jerry Muller <k0tv at adelphia.net>
>Sent: Nov 9, 2006 6:07 AM
>To: amps at contesting.com
>Subject: [Amps] Sticky blower

Before you go too far with issues about the bearings and so on, check and 
see if there is a dropping resistor used to moderate the blower speed. 
Perhaps this resistor has changed value over the years.

If the blower has bronze bearings, you may have to soak them with a very 
light weight oil also.  If it has regular ball bearings, you may have a bad 
ball and need replacement.

73 and Happy DXing,


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