[Amps] Grid Meter

JMLTINC at aol.com JMLTINC at aol.com
Sun Nov 19 13:46:18 EST 2006

 Thanks, Lou. First thing I did - the shunt is OK.

I should add that power on either tubes is down, with max at 1,500 Watts into 
a DL. Plate current at full power is about 800ma @ about 4500 volts. Idling 
current about 100ma, with bias measured at CT of fil x-former at about 13 volts.

In a message dated 11/19/2006 11:10:43 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
JMLTINC at aol.com writes:

My  problem is: when the amp is keyed (no drive) the grid meter slams forward 
against the peg. Does this with two tubes. Disconnect the filament leads  and 
it does not budge.

Check to see if your grid shunt resistor/s on the grid meter are  opened.  Lou

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