[Amps] 30L-1 Blows Fuse at 600ma

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Nov 20 05:36:52 EST 2006

> voltage unloaded is ~2000v and when loaded it drops to 
> ~1800v.  On other
> 30L-1's in the shack, I can easily drive the amp to plate 
> currents of 1.2a
> with no blown fuse.  Is this indicative of a bad 
> transformer drawing too
> much current in order to supply the 600ma /1800v to the 
> plates?  Any other
> possibility likely?


Your amplifier has either an open primary or a broken or 
open connection in the primary wiring path to one of the two 
primary windings on the transformer.

This could be an open connection at TB1, a bad power switch, 
a bad (open) transformer primary, or even the SECOND fuse 
you have not changed being bad. Don't trust your eyes, check 
carefully with an ohmmeter.

Remember, on 120V the amp will run with only one fuse. It 
will just blow the fuse at half-power. The only way the amp 
goes dead is with TWO paths open. That either requires both 
fuses to open, or a wiring connection that is bad.

73 Tom 

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