[Amps] Filament Voltage Parameters on Russian Triodes.

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Mon Oct 9 11:50:21 EDT 2006

 > I wonder what the long term effect this will have on 
these tubes??
> 73....Bob VK3ZL..


Commercial stations that never cycle the tube filaments and 
run them conservatively 24 hours a day have to worry about 
maximizing life.
They might have 24*7*52 = 8736 hours a year on the tube. 
They might cycle the filament a few dozen times, and they 
never come near rated seal temperatures or dissipation.

For amateur use, you might get 3*6*50 or 900 hours a year. 
In that time you might cycle the filament  300 or more 
times, and the tubes are typically used much harder than 
commercial applications. For Ham service most tubes fail for 
reasons totally unrelated to filament issues as long as you 
are inside the factory ratings.

I wouldn't get too worried about is as long as it doesn't go 
over maximum or under minimum.

73 Tom


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