[Amps] "10 Meter Ban" to be lifted ...

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Thu Oct 12 08:40:34 EDT 2006

>From a manufacturer's perspective, there's still quite a burden as no gain 
can occur between 26-28 MHz. The new rule sounds great at first, but outside 
of relatively complex circuitry, how does a manufacturer offer a traditional 
(no microprocessor or internal freq. counter) legal-limit amp that is 
capable of 1500W at 28.000 MHz, but is unity gain or inoperable at 27.999 
MHz?  Simple filters won't work.

At footnote 198 of the R&O, the Commission cited ACOM's prior certification 
of "new methods" to achieve the necessary lockout mechanism as one basis for 
their decision.  It appears that folks like Ameritron, Ten Tec, QRO and 
Commander will still need to incorporate their existing lock-out features 
for 10M operation -- unless they add to the complexity of their products.

Interestingly, the Commission omitted the prior rule pertaining to amp kits 
(§97.315(b)(2)(i)).  What it does not specifically address is a limitation 
on partial kits.  Could a manufacturer offer a 99% completed "kit," leaving 
some trivial components to complete for the end-user?  Arguably, §97.315(a) 
could still be interpreted to mean that a partial kit is also one of 
"partial manufacture," thus enabling this section to partial kits.

Paul, W9AC 

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