[Amps] New FCC Amplifier Rule

Ed Swynar gswynar at durham.net
Thu Oct 12 08:55:57 EDT 2006

...Regarding the 10-meter FCC rule on commercial linear amplifiers...

Hi Pete,

What a mis-guided, self-deluded rule your FCC perpetuates in the matter of
10-meters & linear amplifiers!

Why don't they simply take a page out of your federal gun ownership laws, &
simply mandate that the retailer(s) must first see proof of the would-be
buyer's Ham licence, before allowing the linear to change hands...& let it
go at that...? As I see it, this would be no different than how new gun
sales are handled in the U.S. to-day...correct?

Of course, once the thing hits the used/surplus market after a few years,
it'd be fair game --- but by then the rig could have endured all kinds of
changes/modifications anyway, so as to free the manufacturer of any
liability anyway...

Just my two coppers worth, speaking as I am from that place north of the
49th parallel, Hi Hi!

~73~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete Smith" <n4zr at contesting.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 7:09 AM
Subject: [Amps] New FCC Amplifier Rule

> The FCC Omnibus R&O released yesterday requires:
> § 2.815  External radio frequency power amplifiers.
> ...
> (1)  The external radio frequency power amplifier shall not be capable of
amplification in the frequency band 26-28 MHz.
> (2)  The amplifier shall not be capable of easy modification to permit its
use as an amplifier in the frequency band 26-28 MHz.
> This is intended as a less-onerous replacement for the old rule, but it
strikes me as not well thought out.  How could you inexpensively disable an
amplifier between 26 and 28 MHz while permitting full gain on 28.001 MHz,
particularly if the limitation had to be hard to disable? I guess it would
be easy enough in highly-automated amplifiers through firmware, but would it
effectively doom simple manual amps?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
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