[Amps] "10 Meter Ban" to be lifted ...

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Sun Oct 15 13:37:35 EDT 2006


> Also I think most people believed that with 1 kw average 
> input as the legal limit that meant that 2kw pep was also the 
> legal limit because of the perceived 2:1 ratio.
> In real practice we did not loose too much as most hams did not 
> have amplifiers capable of any real power as they thought they 
> did. 

Most of the amplifiers of that day did not have the power supply 
and/or tube capacity to supply even a 6 dB peak to average ratio. 
In many cases the amplifier was doing the "speech processing" with 
all of the attendant splatter and distortion. 

> Most that ran their amplifiers at the 1kw average input level were 
> severely overdriven in order to reach that power level as they were 
> not capable of high enough pep levels.

They were also not tuned properly ... most tuned for 1 KW input with 
carrier not realizing that would cause peak clipping when driven 
above that level.  An amplifier needs to be tuned (and loaded) for 
the peak output to be linear ... 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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